Sri Tapan Kumar Mondal
Sri Tapan Kumar Mondal
Curriculum Vitae
Name- Tapan Kumar Mondal
Present Position- Assistant Professor in History.
Date of Joining-21.02.2017.
Mob No-9932501742.
Educational Qualification-
M.A in History from The University of Burdwan with UGC-NET & WB-SET.
Specialization: Ancient India.
Research Interests:-
History of Science, Environmental History, Social & Cultural History of Bengal.
Papers Presented in National and International Seminars/ Conferences ( with ISBIN)
1.Presented a paper titled “Unabinsho Shotoke Bangla Tatha Bharate Udarpanthi Chintabid Hisabe Vidyasagar; Ekti Oitihasik Parjalochona”in the International Seminar on “ Dishototomo Janmoborshe Vidyasagar : Nabarupe Oitihasik Mulyayan organized by the department of History, TurkuHansda-Lapsa Hemram Mahavidyalaya on 5th March, 2020.
2. Presented a paper title “Raja Ram Mohan Roy as a Harbinger of Liberalism & Liberty : A Historical Review of his contribution towards the Society through ‘Interllectual Fertility” in the International seminar on “Rammohaner Bahumatrikata” organized by the Department of Bengali, Katwa College on 15.11.2022 & 16.11.2022.
3. Presented a paper titled “Gandhiji’s View on Rural Development and It’s Relevance in Modern Village Economy: A Critical Analysis.”in the International Seminar on Gandhi’s Vision and its Resonance in Pre/Post Independence India” organized by the Department of History, Kandra Radha Kanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya, 26-27th January, 2020.
4.Presented a paper title “ বিংশ শতকে বাংলার আর্থ- সামাজিক প্রেক্ষাপটে ‘গান্ধীবাদ’ ও ‘মার্কসবাদ’এর সমন্বয়কারীরূপে সাহিত্যিক তারাশঙ্কর বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় ; একটি ঐতিহাসিক অন্বেষণ”, in the international seminar on “ Tarasankara Bandyopadhyaya: Manone o Sahitya’’ organized by the Department of Bengali, Kandra Radha Kanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya, 18 & 19 April 2023.
5. Presented a paper title “An analysis of Impact of Globalization in Developing Countries with Reference to Indian Culture & Society’’in international seminar on ‘Globalization and Its Reflection in Sports,Culture and Economy’ organized by the Department of Physical Education, Kandra Radha Kanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya on 4th March 2023
6. Present a paper title “Deforestation of Ganpur forest, Birbhum District, West Bengal, India with reference to their Eco-system: A Critical Analyses” in international seminar on ‘Unified Earth now becomes Diversified World’ organized by Department of Geography, Kandra Radha Kanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya on 23 & 24 August 2023.
7. Presented a paper title “বিশ্বায়নের আবহে গ্রাম বাংলার একান্নবর্ত্তী পারিবারিক সম্পর্ক অবনতিতে টিভি সিরিয়ালের o Sanskriti: Jatiswattar Nirman, Aithiya o Uttoradhikar ভূমিকা- একটি অনুসন্ধানমূলক অধ্যায়ন”,in international seminar on “Cultural Heritage, Environment and Tourism of Bharatbarsho –Past and Present’’organized by Department of History, Kabi Nazrul College, Murari on 17 & 18 January 2024.
8. Presented a paper title “বিংশ শতকের প্রথমার্ধে বাঙালীর বিনোদন ও অবসর যাপনের অন্যতম আর্কষণ ছিল প্রিয়নাথ বসু ও গ্রেট বেঙ্গল সার্কাস- ঐতিহাসিক অন্বেষণ” in international Seminar on “Bangla Bhasha, Sahitya”organized by Department of History, Biswa Bangla Biswabidyalaya, Bolpur on 5th March 2024.
9.Presented a paper title “Exploring the Lives & Livelihoods of Bell Makers of Birbhum & Murshidabad District from the Pre-British Period :- A Historical Review’’ in international seminar on ‘Cultivation of Science by the Bengalis under the Raj’ organized by Department of History, Rani Dhanya Kumari College , Jiaganj, Murshidabad on 21.03.2024.
Seminars/Conferences Attended:
1.Attended an international seminar on ‘Iswar Chandra vidyasagar : sristi o srosta’ organized by the Dept. of Bengali, Kandra Radha Kanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya, on 28th & 29th November, 2019.
Conferences, Seminars and Workshops organized as convener/coordinator
Organized as one of the Joint Conveners of an International Seminar on “Gandhi’s Vision and its Resonance in Pre/Post Independence India” organized by the Department of History, Kandra Radha Kanta Kundu Mahavidyalaya, 26-27th January, 2020